About Us
Welcome to On The Lighter Side, International Lighter Collectors. We are more frequently referred to as OTLS.
OTLS was founded in 1983 with 3 members. This club is for collectors of any type lighter — Ronson, Zippo, Evans, European, etc. We also have a few members who collect other categories of tobacciana, such as ash trays, smoking stands, Case & Zippo knives (Case Knife Co. is now owned by Zippo). The club has a bi-monthly newsletter. In addition to the 6 issues, the March issue always contains a separate “Convention Letter” with details of our annual convention. Our annual convention is always in June, in different cities.
The newsletters include the following:
- Notes from the Editor
- Articles on Lighters
- Articles on Members
- Question and Answer Column
- Classified Ads
The regular Classified Ads are free for members. Occasionally a member will choose to do a “flyer” to be included in the newsletter. We do have a charge for the flyers. But the other ads for free.
Our conventions, as stated above, move around the U.S. If you want information on the convention, please contact Judith Sanders at the OTLS Office. The number and Address for OTLS are shown above. Please pay in U.S. funds. We have several different rates – overseas, regular U.S. & Canada, Seniors & Juniors. Upon joining you will receive a Membership Card and a complete Membership Roster and the current newsletter. The Roster is a complete list of all members and what they collect. Different members of OTLS collect different lighters – one collects only Ronsons, one only Zippos, many members collect all kinds. There are probably other questions you have that have not been addressed. Please feel free to write, call or fax your questions to the OTLS Office.